关于 Alexander
1961 年出生于美国纽约。 |
Alexander 喜欢以坦白的表达方式沟通,因为他更加注重于能以最准确的方式向您传达讯息。请不要因为他直接的沟通方式而觉得被冒犯。相反地,您也可以直接的向他表达您的想法。
在德国霍尔茨明登县的 Landschulheim am Solling 学校 念中级中学。
- 马尔堡和哥廷根大学;
- Referendiat (实用法律培训和实习);
- 德国策勒的高级地区法院;
- 汉诺威地区法院商业实物商会;
- 位于布拉格的捷克和斯洛伐克联邦共和国的联邦经济部;
跟随柏林自由大学东欧研究所Herwig Roggemann教授的研究,负责1993年 “东,中东欧和东南欧私有化机构” 的项目并撰写捷克斯洛伐克共和国的报告。
- 2011 年 5 月 24 日, Alexander 的“Legal Guide to Germany”入选“be.berlin, be.international”的决赛名单。
- “Legal Guide to Germany ”也在 2011 年被提名于 German Engagement Prize 。
- 商业移民, 通过德国律师学院 e.V.,提供给律师的在线培训课程,
- Translation of Czech law no. 248/1992 Sb. "on Investment Companies and Investment Funds" [Collection of Statutes]: Commercial Law East European Countries (= WOS) CR III 3 c
- Translation of Czech decree of Ministry of Finances no. 224/1996 Sb. "on the Evaluation of Securities in Property of Investment Funds", WOS CR VIII b a,
- "The Legal Guide for Living in Germany", 2003, eBook published by himself; paper-back published by Weißensee Verlag, www.Legal-Guide.info, legal portal for aliens in private and business, relaunched to www.LG2G.info
- The new Residency Law Coming now, the international community, January 2005 p. 17 et. seq.
- Legal Aspects and Requirements for a German Visa and Residence Permit, 2008,
- German Immigration and Residency Regulations, Expatica March 21, 2011
- FATCA and What it Practically means for your German Bank Relationship from the German Legal Perspective, republished by ACA
- Effects incurring from a Revoked or not Renewed Passport for an American in German, republished by AGBC-Berlin,
- Brexit and Immigration in Germany, republished on AGBC-Berlin
- i.a.
- A wrong move can be costly when navigating different systems, Sharon Reier, International Herald Tribune Saturday, October 23, 2004; http://web.archive.org/web/20051106094254/http://www.iht.com/articles/2004/10/22/opinion/rlegal.htm
- The name game, The Local, Published: 3 Aug 10 11:55 CET
- Expat.Show, Brexit the legal story so far...
- with press attaché of Nigerian Embassy in offenen Kanal (local TV station) on 7. April 2006 on the topic "Integration and Immigration of Africans"
- with press attaché of Nigerian Embassy in offenen Kanal (local TV station) on 7. February 2007 on the topic "Antidiscrimination Act"
- Berliner Interkulturelles Form am 29.09.2011 on the topic "Expatriate Lives in Germany", held by BAMIK in collaboration with InterNations